Our College of the Week is the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The University of North Carolina is the United States' first public university: it opened its doors to students in 1795.
With over 19,00 undergraduate students and over 10,000 graduate students, Chapel Hill offers 74 #undergraduate programs and 107 #graduate programs, as well as 65 #doctoraldegree programs.
Over 3,000 undergraduate students produce original research.
Alumni from Chapel Hill are in 161 different countries, and the #internationalstudent population is currently around 3,60%. Over 3,000 undergraduate students produce #originalresearch.
The Class of 2020 boasted these numbers:
49% served as #president of a #class or #club
33% captained a #varsityteam
36% conducted research outside of class
16% founded an #organization
The top intended majors (excluding undecided students) were #Biology, #Business, #Psychology & #Neuroscience, #ComputerScience and #PoliticalScience.
Admittance to #ChapelHill is highly competitive, and state law in #NC requires a high percentage of students to be in-state students (18-25%, depending on the #publicuniversity). This leaves fewer spots for out-of-state students, which includes #internationalstudents.
There is an active Brazilian student population on campus. Check out Chapel Hill's #BRASA (Brazilian student association).
A few famous alumni of Chapel Hill are former US President (James Polk), writer #ThomasWolfe, and #MichaelJordan.