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  • Writer's pictureMarcia Farias

FinTech MBAs - O que são e para quê servem?

FinTech is an acronym for financial technology - which means exactly that - investing and doing business in financial markets through technology.

To pursue a career in financial technology, it is relevant to be fluent in, well, technology and business/finance.

If you already have a tech background or education, a FinTech MBA could be a great addition to your CV. And if your background in tech is not strong, an MBA with a tech concentration might bring you up to speed on what's going on the business world.

What business schools should you be researching?

Many business schools around the world offer MBAs with a focus in finance and technology.

Here is just a small sample of these: NYU, Cornell, Imperial College London, Duke, MIT, Columbia, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, HKUST – Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Business School, EU Business School (Barcelona)...

As you can see, not all, but many of these MBAs are offered in campi situated in large cities with a strong financial market presence. This makes for a richer experience, abundant internships, and post-MBA work opportunities.

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